Channel: SuperiorSinging
Category: Music
Tags: 30 day singing challengevocal rest dayhow to sing better30 day vocal challengesinging for 30 daysvocal lessonsonline singing lessonsstraw phonation exerciseshow to do straw phonationvocal training tipsvocal warm up exerciseshow to singsuperior singing methodsinging lessonsstraw phonationvocal challengelearn to sing bettervocal tipsvocal trainingdaily vocal warm upsvocal training lessonsday 7sing for 30 days30 days of singing
Description: Today we're on Day 7 of our 30 Day Superior Singing Method Singing Challenge where Emily and I are going to bring you a vocal lesson each morning at 9am PST. Day 7 would normally be a rest day to help your vocals recover but today we’ve got something very special and honestly something rarely ever mentioned in vocal training. We're going to talk about straw phonation! And it’s actually scientifically proven to help your voice even more than a rest day. If you have any type of straw handy that will work. If you want to get your hands on my favorite tool for straw phonation specifically designed to help singers, and the one I use in this video, just click the link below and get 10% OFF. OOVO Straw: Use code SSM10 for 10% OFF. Watch Emily and I as we go through a great straw phonation exercise to help your voice recover quickly on those off days or after a performance. Before you leave, we just want to give you a big congratulations on making it all the way to day 7! You’re officially 1 week into the 30 day vocal challenge! How are you feeling? Are you experiencing breakthroughs or some mini wins? Are you still having some issues in certain areas? Let me know in the COMMENTS below how you’re doing and if you’re finding this challenge helpful. And if you're new to the channel be sure to SUBSCRIBE with NOTIFICATIONS turned on so you’re notified each day when the next video drops so you can stay up to date on new vocal content. Also, if you haven’t yet be sure to take our free #Singing Killer Quiz below. Join over 1.5 Million people that took my Singing Killer Quiz to find and correct their #1 Singing Killer and unlock their singing potential! Click the link to take my FREE SINGING KILLER QUIZ here: If you’re interested in going further and faster in your singing career, I’d highly recommend grabbing my full 8-week Superior Singing Method course that over 75,000 students worldwide have taken. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, you can just log in and have access to all the high-quality singing lessons along with audio exercises you can take with you on the go! Go here to find more information or to purchase Superior Singing Method today: #strawphonation #30dayvocalchallenge #singingfor30days #singingchallenge #vocalchallenge #30daysofsinging #30daysofvocallessons #30daysofsinginglessons #singfor30days